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Customer Stories

Helping 100+ Companies Transform their Organization and Workforce

Explore stories from some of our valuable customers

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Retail Industry

Large North American Grocery Company

North American grocery company relies on Agentnoon for secure, collaborative people decision making

CPG Industry

Major North American Food and Beverage Manufacturer

Food & beverage distributor automated labour forecasting using Agentnoon, introducing specificity and accuracy to reduce headcount spend surprises

Entertainment Industry

Global Entertainment Business

The company created one source of truth for its people data across multiple geographies to develop holistic workforce plans

Our Customers

Working with leading companies across the world

NYU - Agentnoon customer

Customer Reviews

100+ customers trust us to help them grow responsibly

“Agentnoon has a lot of features built-in which means you are up and running quickly. They also have a built connector for Workday which is brilliant.”

"Agentnoon has phenomenal customer service and an excellent product. It is an elegant yet straightforward tool that enhances all aspects of our organizational design."

“Agentnoon has allowed us to cut down on manual and time-consuming tasks around labor forecasting while helping us increase transparency. Their team is also extremely responsive and helpful when we have issues or need to create workarounds”

“Agentnoon is a newcomer and disruptor in the area of org design and strategic workforce planning'”