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Model your future workforce

Understand the demand and supply of your workforce and potential future gaps

Model demand and supply drivers

Project the future of your workforce with driver based analysis


Input demand and supply drivers using an interactive, simple interface to project your org's strategic workforce planning. Set multiple drivers for both the demand and supply side of your workforce

Model demand and supply drivers with Agentnoon's strategic workforce planning software
Multi year forecasts with Agentnoon's strategic workforce planning software

Generate multi-year forecasts

Project the future of your workforce with detailed assumptions


Set multi-year assumptions and ratios for each driver and perform strategic workforce planning. Get specific and apply drivers and assumptions for specific groups within your workforce to model with more precision.

Project workforce gaps

Visualize your demand and supply gap analysis instantly


Generate visualizations of your strategic workforce planning projections in one click. Identify the demand-supply gap in your workforce for each division, location and more. 

Project workforce gaps with Agentnoon's strategic workforce planning software
Compare different scenarios with Agentnoon's strategic workforce planning software

Compare different scenarios

Create different scenarios and compare them side by side


Create multiple plans side by side as you ideate base, best and worst case scenarios in your organization's strategic workforce planning.  Compare workforce projections and gaps across different plans. 

Agentnoon’s strategic workforce planning capabilities


Agentnoon's strategic workforce planning capabilities are best suited for businesses aiming to be more thoughtful around the long range implications of their workforce. Strategic workforce planning practitioners can use Agentnoon to model out both the demand and supply side of their workforce and generate easy to understand forecasts and visualizations on potential gaps in the workforce.

in headcount spend savings
80+ hours
saved per month
satisfied customers worldwide
 with Agentnoon's strategic workforce planning software capabilities

Customer Reviews

100+ customers trust us to help them grow responsibly

“Agentnoon has a lot of features built-in which means you are up and running quickly. They also have a built connector for Workday which is brilliant.”

"Agentnoon has phenomenal customer service and an excellent product. It is an elegant yet straightforward tool that enhances all aspects of our organizational design."

“Agentnoon has allowed us to cut down on manual and time-consuming tasks around labor forecasting while helping us increase transparency. Their team is also extremely responsive and helpful when we have issues or need to create workarounds”

“Agentnoon is a newcomer and disruptor in the area of org design and strategic workforce planning'”

Strategic Workforce Planning FAQs

What is Strategic Workforce Planning?

Strategic workforce planning is a holistic approach that organizations use to ensure that they have the right people, with the right skills, at the right place, and at the right time to fulfill their current and future business objectives.

This process involves analyzing the current workforce, forecasting future workforce needs, identifying gaps between the present and the future state, and implementing strategies to bridge these gaps.

Understand the demand and supply of your workforce and potential future gaps with Agentnoon's strategic workforce planning software.


Why is Strategic Workforce Planning important?

Effective strategic workforce planning is crucial for organizations to navigate the rapidly changing business environment, manage talent shortages, and adapt to technological advancements.

It allows businesses to align their workforce strategy with their overall business goals, enhance workforce agility and resilience, and ensure long-term competitiveness and sustainability.

Why use a Strategic Workforce Planning software?

Using software for strategic workforce planning streamlines the process by providing tools for data analysis, forecasting, and scenario planning. It enables organizations to manage complex data sets, identify trends and patterns, and make informed decisions quickly.

Agentnoon's strategic workforce planning software also offers interactive interfaces and visualization tools to simplify the planning process and make it more accessible to decision-makers.

How does Agentnoon help with effective Strategic Workforce Planning?

Agentnoon assists organizations in effective strategic workforce planning by offering capabilities to model both the demand and supply sides of the workforce, project future gaps, and generate forecasts and visualizations.

With its interactive interface, users can input multiple drivers, set detailed assumptions, and compare different scenarios side by side, facilitating a more precise and thoughtful planning process.

What are the key principles of Strategic Workforce Planning?

The key principles of strategic workforce planning include:
  1. Alignment with Business Strategy: Ensuring that workforce planning is directly aligned with the strategic goals and objectives of the organization.
  2. Data-Driven Insights: Leveraging data analytics and forecasts to make informed decisions about the future workforce.
  3. Flexibility and Adaptability: Being able to quickly adjust plans based on changing business needs or external factors.
  4. Talent Development and Retention: Focusing on developing internal talent and strategies for retaining critical skills within the organization.
  5. Inclusive and Holistic Approach: Considering the impact of workforce decisions on all parts of the organization and involving stakeholders from various departments in the planning process.
  6. Scenario Planning: Create various future scenarios, including best, base, and worst-case with Agentnoon's strategic workforce planning software to prepare for uncertainties and mitigate risks effectively.

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Insights on org design and strategic workforce planning

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