People vs Positions

Plan critical positions

Don't let misaligned roles hold back performance. Spot skill gaps, assess readiness, and align roles with talent effectively

Positions Planning

Model clean state
org design

Start with a blank slate. Separate positions from people to build a truly optimized org structure independent of any subjectivity.

Plan positions independent of people
Map people to positions
Talent Alignemnt

Map talent into current and future Positions

Align talent with the right positions for your current and future needs. 

Bench Management

Identify unmapped employees easily

Quickly identify unmapped and benched employees. Stay ahead of talent planning by ensuring no one falls through the cracks—so you can fully utilize your workforce.

Identify unmapped employees
Our Impact

Transform your organization. Become future ready.

cost savings
0 %
hours saved on average per user
0 +
faster time to value
0 %