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Design your future org, today

Drive responsible organizational growth with org design

Visualise intelligent org analytics

Make sense of your org structure, like never before


Get granular and understand your org structure with spans of control, layers and depth, and headcount distribution. Identify trouble areas quickly to make data-driven decisions around organizational design.

Visualise intelligent org analytics with Agentnoon's organizational design software
What-if Scenario-min with Agentnoon's organizational design software

Create 'what-if' scenarios

Fast, intuitive and simple org modelling 


Adjust your org structure with intuitive drag-and-drop gestures in real-time. Easily model different ‘what if scenarios' to see what best suits your organization. Analyze the financial and structural impacts of your organizational design in one click.

Analyze impact of changes

Understand structural and financial impacts quickly


Fine-tune your organizational design and understand the impact of any changes quickly. Understand the delta between your current state org structure and your future state org structure.

Analyze Impact of change with Agentnoon's organizational design software
Highlight exceptions with Agentnoon's organizational design software

Highlight exceptions

Spotlight exceptions in your org design.


Identify areas that need immediate attention by highlighting exceptions to your organizational design rules. Pinpoint where salaries are too high, grades are too low, and similar principles. Focus on parts of your organization that require immediate action and review.

Compare different plans

Create base, best and worst case scenarios 


Compare multiple plans side by side as you ideate base, best and worst case scenarios in your organizational design. Understand the financial and structural impacts quickly to highlight any key differences to executive leadership. 

Compare different plans with Agentnoon's organizational design software
Export changes with Agentnoon's organizational design software

Export changes made in your scenario

Keep track of the changes made with audit log


Easily export all changes made in the organizational design scenario, such as position, compensation updates, etc. These changes from the change log will feed back into your HRIS system.

Agentnoon’s organizational design capabilities


Agentnoon's org design capabilities are best suited for businesses aiming for responsible growth. Offering intelligent analytics, it provides a fine understanding of org structure by department, location, and more. It enables real-time adjustments through intuitive controls, fine-tuning for efficiency, and "what-if" modeling. Additionally, one-click analysis makes understanding financial and structural impacts straightforward. It's a holistic approach to designing your organization's future today.

in headcount spend savings
80+ hours
saved per month
satisfied customers worldwide
Agentnoon's organizational design software's capabilities

Customer Reviews

100+ customers trust us to help them grow responsibly

“Agentnoon has a lot of features built-in which means you are up and running quickly. They also have a built connector for Workday which is brilliant.”

"Agentnoon has phenomenal customer service and an excellent product. It is an elegant yet straightforward tool that enhances all aspects of our organizational design."

“Agentnoon has allowed us to cut down on manual and time-consuming tasks around labor forecasting while helping us increase transparency. Their team is also extremely responsive and helpful when we have issues or need to create workarounds”

“Agentnoon is a newcomer and disruptor in the area of org design and strategic workforce planning'”

Organizational Design FAQs

What is Organizational Design?

Organizational design is the process of optimizing a company’s structure and processes to achieve its goals. It involves identifying the organization's goals, analyzing its current structure and procedures, and designing a new structure and processes that will enable the organization to achieve its objectives. Drive responsible growth with Agentnoon's organizational design software today!

Why is effective Organizational Design important?

Effective organizational design is crucial for ensuring the competitiveness and adaptability of companies. It comes with numerous benefits, such as:

  • Increased efficiency
  • A quicker and more effective decision-making process
  • Enhanced quality of products and services
  • Higher profits
  • Improving customer relations
  • Safer working conditions ensured
  • A healthier and more motivated workforce
  • Greater preparedness for future challenges

You can get all these benefits with Agentnoon's organizational design software.

Why use a Organizational Design software?

For many organizations having the right tools for effective organizational design is still a work in progress. Many may find themselves burdened with complex and outdated software or using spreadsheets where organizational design and keeping up the pace is hard.

Fortunately, with dedicated Agentnoon's organizational software, there's a better way to do it now.

How does Agentnoon helps with effective Organizational Design?

Organizational design is essential for any business that wants to adapt to changes, stay competitive, and achieve its goals.

Agentnoon's intuitive organizational design software and wide range of analytics give you a bird's-eye view of the entire organization. 

Agentnoon's ability to model different 'what-if' scenarios, and analyze the financial impacts of your changes with eye-catching visuals, and dynamic organizational chart helps you achieve your business goals through data-driven insights for an effective organizational design.

What are the key principles of Organizational Design?

Once you start your organizational design process with Agentnoon's organizational design software, consider these five principles to achieve success.

1. Use data to your advantage: Data is king! Data visualization is beneficial for understanding complex organizational structures and headcount distributions.

2. There is no “one size fits all”: Many business leaders find comfort in benchmarking, as it ensures that they follow industry standards and avoid major missteps. However, mindlessly copying others' success is not a sustainable approach to business organizational design. 

3. Start with a clearly-defined strategy: To ensure your business is successful, you need to develop a specific strategy that forces leaders to make clear decisions and trade-offs.

4. The answer is within your team: Don't look to big consulting firms or analysts for the answers when solving your organizational design challenges. The intelligence and experience needed to create the perfect design already exist within your team.

5. Organizational fit and integrity matter: Organizational design cannot simply be approached as a task to be completed. It needs a conscious effort to ensure that the process is conducted ethically and aligns with the values and norms of the company culture.


Click here to read more about Organizational Design.

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