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Retail Industry

Large North American Grocery Company

North American grocery company relies on Agentnoon for secure, collaborative people decision making

Customer-Stories-Retail Industry


  • The company relied on manual efforts to incorporate performance data for executive decision making and people planning

  • Taking 4-6 weeks of manual effort, and results were not available till 2 months after the performance cycle

  • Multiple HRIS systems were in play so there was no single source of truth for people data and salaries


Overlaying Performance Data

The company and Agentnoon first entered a partnership in 2021 to help bring more structure to people planning and performance management. Earlier, the company relied on manual efforts to incorporate performance data for executive decision making and people planning, which took 4-6 weeks of manual effort, and results were not available till 2 months after the performance cycle. It was challenging because multiple spreadsheets & data sources needed to be consolidated, cleaned up and reported confidentially.

By using Agentnoon’s dynamic org chart integrations and performance reporting, the company automated displaying performance data across different teams and departments as it became available. This helped visualize performance gaps across teams, and faster feedback loops for business leaders. A process that took 4-6 weeks of manual efforts in compiling spreadsheets, and aligning results was reduced to 1-2 days of effort from a single HR analyst. Executives spent hours in Agentnoon (during review cycles) given that all the data was in one place.

Redesigning the Org

The performance data became even more relevant, as the company completed several re-designs of their org, made adjustments to their hiring plans/teams. This created better alignment of people plans to business goals.

People Analytics

The company and Agentnoon are developing real-time, automated dashboards that are integrated across its HR stack. Internal BI teams are shared across the organization, and Agentnoon's advanced analytics is focused on making better people decisions. This results in quick change, and fast reporting on executive queries.

Effective Security Controls

The company takes security very seriously. The ability to work with a SOC 2 Type II & ISO 27001 compliant vendor was a critical factor in selecting the platform. The company’s employees can share information with complete control over their own data, giving them full confidence that sensitive data is being protected. Agentnoon has robust confidentiality controls that work at both role & field levels. 


"Everything was on spreadsheets before we learned about Agentnoon. Agentnoon helped us to bring these processes into a system and saved us a lot of time. We had a smooth launch with them in a short period of time and the support is great after the launch!"