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Entertainment Industry

Global Entertainment Business

Global entertainment business created one source of truth for its people data across multiple geographies to develop holistic workforce plans and cover all aspects of their organizational design

Customer Stories - Entertainment Industry


  • No single source of truth for HR data

  • Multiple HRIS and payroll systems spread across 5 countries

  • Manual creation of org charts and workforce scenarios with no link to financial impacts


Consolidating Data Across Multiple Entities

The company employs its workers across multiple geographies and entities and needed one consolidated source of truth. Since Agentnoon is able to consolidate people data across multiple HR systems and spreadsheets, the company was able to build one source of truth for all people data.

Redesigning Org Structures

In order to view people data in a visual way, the company used Agentnoon’s overlay feature to add people data on the org chart itself. Adding fields such as salary and hiring dates allowed the company’s executive team to accurately forecast headcount spend and capacity in real time. The company also identified where managers had too many and too little direct reporters and reallocated resources to build a leaner, more efficient organization. Being able to filter for each department on the org chart also enabled the company to make specific hiring / reallocation decisions for individual teams.

Entertainment industry customer story

"Agentnoon has phenomenal customer service and an excellent product. It is an elegant yet straightforward tool that enhances all aspects of our organizational design."