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CPG Industry

Major Food and Beverage Manufacturer 

Major food & beverage distributor automated labour forecasting using Agentnoon, introducing specificity and accuracy to reduce headcount spend surprises



  • The company faced challenges in managing a workforce spread across various locations, lacking a unified system for tracking all employees

  • Their HR & Finance team struggled with manually forecasting labor costs

  • Variance between planned headcount versus actual headcount spend was too large, especially for its contractual workforce 

  • Multiple HRIS systems were in play so there was no single source of truth for people data and salaries


Consolidated Employees Access Multiple Entities

The company employs its workers across multiple geographies and entities and needed one consolidated source of truth. Since Agentnoon is able to consolidate people data across multiple HR systems and spreadsheets, we built one control panel to track all employees. Having one consolidated view also enabled the company to plan out its labor needs, including seasonal hires. Using Agentnoon’s workforce planning feature, the company was easily able to create multiple plans of potential labor requirements and track the expected cost of each.

Labour Forecasting

Since Agentnoon incorporates employee salary data, the company was easily able to forecast labor costs on a weekly, quarterly, and annual basis. Agentnoon automatically generated spreadsheets that can be plugged into existing models, helping save 10 hours every two weeks for the company’s HR & Finance team and because it is automated, they can run it every week now.

Planning Future Workforce Changes

The company has a large amount of seasonal workers and being able to accurately plan for them is key for success. Using Agentnoon’s workforce planning feature, company was able to create different ‘what if’ scenarios for seasonal employees and adequately plan for workforce changes and expected costs.

cpg industry customer story agentnoon

"Agentnoon has allowed us to cut down on manual and time-consuming tasks around labor forecasting while helping us increase transparency. Their team is also extremely responsive and helpful when we have issues or need to create workarounds."